The sleep of reason produces monsters, kiln cast glass on bespoke shelf, (W) 122 x 104cm

The sleep of reason produces monsters (detail), kiln cast glass on bespoke shelf, (W) 122 x 104cm

Before the world was made, kiln cast glass on bespoke shelf, (W) 122 x 104cm

Before the world was made (detail)

Sailing to Byzantium (detail)

Some made it, some didn’t (detail) glazed clay on mdf shelves, (W) 600 x 104cm

Snowy (detail), glazed clay on bespoke mdf plinth with shelves, (W) 51cm x 132cm

Flock, glazed clay, mounted on wall, dimensions variable

The sleep of reason produces monsters, kiln cast glass on bespoke shelf, (W) 122 x 104cm
The sleep of reason produces monsters (detail), kiln cast glass on bespoke shelf, (W) 122 x 104cm
Before the world was made, kiln cast glass on bespoke shelf, (W) 122 x 104cm
Before the world was made (detail)
Sailing to Byzantium (detail)
Some made it, some didn’t (detail) glazed clay on mdf shelves, (W) 600 x 104cm
Snowy (detail), glazed clay on bespoke mdf plinth with shelves, (W) 51cm x 132cm
Flock, glazed clay, mounted on wall, dimensions variable
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